
Welcome to the Competitions Page. In this section of the website , you'll basicly find the description of ALL of the challenges that will happen in the Fantasy Mansion. Here we go :

1. The Power To Nominate (PTN) : In this competition , all of the remaining houseguests face off in an unique and really hard competition. This competition can only have one winner. When the competition is over , the houseguest that won the competition will have exactly TWO day (24 hours) to think about who they want to nominate for eviction. They will only be able to nominate ONE person. 

2. The Power of Safety (POS) :
All the houseguests , exept for the one who won the PTN competition will face off in a competition. All the houseguests will do the competition , one after the other . The one that finished the challenge the fastest will win IMMUNITY for the week. Here is the trick. All the houseguests will be called one after the other in the Confessional room. There , Gab Fantasy will either tell them ''Better Luck next time brah.'' or ''Congratulations , for this week you are safe'' . The person who wins the challenge will be given a little key with ''IMUNITY'' written on it. The winner of the competition can then decide either to tell the houseguests or not. Here is the trick : When the winner of the PTN  is ready to nominate and is in the Living room with the other houseguests, if he decides to nominate the person with IMMUNITY , the person with the immunity can then show her or his key , and chose the nominee instead of the PTN , but he cannot target the PTN winner of the week. If the PTN  does NOT nominate the POS holder , the POS holder of the week will remain a secret forever.

3. The ''Fight for your life'' (FFYL) 
This competition is pretty simple. All the houseguests are battling in the same competition at the same time. The person to finish last will be nominated with the choice of the PTN holder.


Elimination process : 

At the end of the week , the two houseguests that are nominated are asked to leave the house.
During the two next days following their exit , the PUBLIC will vote on who they want to evict. Exactly two days after that , both nominee will be standing in front of a door that leads to the Mansion... but only one will open , while the other is locked.

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